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Supat from JasPlearn Teaching English

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Teaching in ThaiLand at JasPlearn English Agency with SupPat and others – SLC & Co.

Posted on October 10, 2014 by phatheya
After my first teachingExperience, which was quite disapPointIng in th’end but’stilAgood’start I apPlied for other teaching-jobs inTL andEvenMyanmar unsucCesSfulLy; no-oneEven replied. But couple of’month later’ be-cause Isent off myCV Ive got anInquiry ofAlanguAge-centEr inBangKok if Icould teachGer-man sinGing toJapanEse Soprano. And this’was realLy th’bestExperience, as‘he was’intelLigent and’keEn to-learn(mainly phonics) I hadChance to-singClasSicAl song for her, while she played’piano’
this’was great!
December/January’was very busy andIgot’an-otherEnGagement withIndian(Sikh) who was proBably bi-polar but’veryIntelLigent too. UnfortunaTely inFebruary 2011 bothEnGagements sudDenly finIshed Even-though ther’wer’stil’hours to-teach’ but inSeptEmber my favorite JapanEse student‘re’turnEd.
InSirachAlanguAge-centErContacTed me as wel’and I had to-teachGer-man’toA1student forGoEthe-Test. Be-cause of’mistake(brinGing her to my’place)and’husbands jealousy and’fiNanciAlConcerns, this’al’so turned-out to be’bad’
Dear Wanwisa,
in response to yesterdays phone-calls I feel need to explain things in writing rather by talking as it becomes too emotional.
Already Sunday I wanted to talk to you about it but there was no chance as you have been away…
As you know we had finished course on Wednesday already and Friday 21/01/2011 at 12:53:45 I’ve  got the following message from Nui:
Thank you so much for teach me. But i feel so sad as i saw u never prepareing for teach me till last time i think i can learn by mien self by read book the better about Gramma and another more every time u nevev tell me today u will teach me what about? NO SYSTEM ONLY SHEET PRINT TEST Geote and try to convince sale continue course and when i see book from Success till last day i just get it i can try to practice and learn but why not Give me first time? And i have very bad feel u not real heart u try to show me something about Geote at your room remember? But sorry am not BAR GIRL untill last day FOR WHAT? I must to go with u again? NOT MAKE SENCE I hope u r gut Teacher.
When reading I couldn’t believe it’s from her! I read again. I was shocked! Why is she writing like this; what happened? So I called her back but she didn’t answer the phone.
The next day I sent her message:
I’m very sorry for misunderstanding. Maybe if  you want we can meet tomorrow to talk about it? Rico wants to help Nui to go to Germany fast!
Also this message was never replied of-course.
By reading her message one can see: it is long and detailed.
But when she doesn’t want to talk with me about her accusations then she might have just want to let me know something and think what could happen next. And I guessed right.
Now let’s analyze:
The first sentence means nothing now.
Yes she is sad because she can’t go to Germany and her husband is getting furious as well.
She thinks that I never prepared anything but I spent hours of my spare-time researching for A1 level-tests etc. If  I wouldn’t be prepared then I couldn’t go on like this for hours without doing nonsense. Instead we were actively exercising every single minute of the course.
I pushed her to learn so hard that she mentioned it to her husband and he replied: No that’s good so!
To my surprise she could follow the pace and she was a very good learner. I was amazed by her!
I always told her to do home-work: practicing what we did so far and even work forward so that we can do the tests faster. And she did!
At first I had to teach her the phonetics of the Alphabet plus special sounds and exercising examples. Then we went to the sight-words. Since then more and more simple grammar was involved and exercised. And then we worked with the test-sheets themselves: Reading, speaking, translating, writing. We did only three test-sheets but this perfectly complete with exercising grammar-samples. The final result speaks for itself.
Of-course she can learn from the book herself but if she can understand without further explanation&correction I doubt.
Her goal wasn’t primarily to learn the language but to pass the test only! And I focused on it.
That’s why I went straight to the online-tests as she could experience it directly. The books were not used for exercises but basic grammar.
I told her this from the beginning how we would proceed and she agreed in belief that the teacher’s strategy would be the best. And it really worked-out perfect. She couldn’t have learned more in that time. And in the end I was nearly to suggest, she could try on Goethe-test because she passed our tests by 70 % even A2-level!
This was the system. If I would have taught her systematically from the books then we would have gone 30 pages far and she wouldn’t have any clue of what awaits her at the Goethe-institute and fail.
Both books are good for 200 hours learning basic German.
Who has told her that 30 hours might be enough?
I was researching and found on ABC-website that the minimum required for being able to pass the test is 60 hours private tuition and I told her this and then it started that I tried to convince her and her husband that they need to buy more.
Then she told me that her husband was finding ABC on the internet and that they would offer about 30 k for 100 hours. But I pointed out that this is class-room teaching. It takes three months. She will have to buy the course-books and needs about 9000 Baht for transportation plus about 3 hours travel-time.
I tried to convince her that now as she started with Success it would be better to continue instead of dropping out and investing another 43 k with no guarantee that she will pass either. I am sure she would have made it because she was good but if not then there would be at least another 10 k involved to continue course there for another month and 30 hours or finally choose expensive private tuition. I have seen pictures of those students struggling from one test to another.
By the way: when I made my sales-talk for you I did it from 10-11 right at the start and it wasn’t count as lesson. I used my private time for it because I was convinced that we could find the best solution for all of us. Unfortunately you have never been available in office but I felt it was important to get the customer continuing with us and make decision before the course was finished as she told me the husband wants her to better go to ABC as they look more professional and promising. But it’s also just a business and they want to make money out of the customers as well.
Say state 80 % pass but I doubt. No-one can tell, only the ones who still need to continue sitting in another class-room.
I told her to talk to you  and ask for a discount-price of maybe 15 k but when she told me she paid 27 then I agreed that 15 might be impossible as the teacher needs the same teaching-fee. Still I urged her to at least try and if not then I will teach her private. I was giving this offer because I liked her and wanted to help going to Germany as fast as possible and with no more expenses as the minimum offered by the competitor. That means that there would be at least space for another 30 hours. And if I would have to teach her free I thought. We have to do this for the customer!
But at this point I didn’t know  that there was no money to spend anymore.
And this is the main-point of the story. That’s why the whole circus now. The husband hasn’t much income, is promising her to live on tax-payers expenses and has no idea of all the regulations and the financial part involved. One can easily spend 200 k Baht for the whole procedure. He must have thought: it might be much cheaper.
She probably told him what I said in the introduction that the unsatisfied customer can claim money back and now they try to do so by making the teacher look very bad.
Sure I wasn’t acting all professional thus did mistakes which I regret now but my intention was always for the sake of the customer. I wanted to give her everything possible to reach their goal.
As you told me: They want to sue the school I tell you: They can’t … as you need money and time for that but they use it as a pressure-point that maybe you would make them an offer to settle the matter. Don’t be stupid, there is no reason to worry!
With no money they can’t sue anybody and they wouldn’t be returning customer anyway.
I don’t understand why now you don’t want to believe that we did 5 or even 7 hours a day? It is signed and agreed on the attendance-sheet and Pui is a witness!
The schedule was arranged on students-request to finish the course fast. In-between I thought it was because they wanted to change school but then there was the urgent need of the husband to get her over quickly.
And again: Afterward she can not complain because she has given her okay to each lesson with her signature. If there would be something wrong then there is no need to sign and can complain directly to the Manager after having tried the teacher first. But it never happened!
About the course-books: There must have been a misunderstanding and that’s why it went wrong.
First I got the books for preparation and teaching. Then you wanted to make copies. Later I’ve got the copies from Pui and thought it was made for safety that the originals didn’t get lost. I never thought that the copies would have been offered to the student for free.
Then Nui mentioned it and I said No these are the teacher’s books! But she said: You have promised her. Can I see the receipt!? But there was nothing on it. Until Pui called you on that Sunday and then we corrected the matter. The last day I was apologizing for that again and she said: No problem. But now she complains again! I have nothing to do with it.
And what it has to do with real heart? I think I have shown too much heart for her and now I am kicked ass for it.
I did not invite her to my room to show something about Goethe as I have no internet there.
I wanted to show her later on the ABC website that they write themselves that she needs at least 180 hours training before she can go for the test and then I wanted to show her another online-exercise.
But we had to do this at Robinson food-court with free wifi-internet. For this I had to get my net-book of my room  and I need to wash my clothes during day-time.
So we agreed to go to my place first and after I will show her. I didn’t push anything. She was fine with the idea as we had a good personal relation and for me it is no problem anyway. I had no thoughts of any wrong-doing. If your culture don’t allow to do such things then she could have said: I am sorry teacher but I can’t go with you to your room. I can wait you downstairs or at the school or let’s meet later in the shopping-mall. I would have accepted that as she isn’t a bar-girl and even married. You mentioned that she might have difficulties to disagree. It might be but that’s her personal problem then. Because when I ask her Okay and she says Yes then I believe it is alright and she behaves European already.
In the room I told her to sit down, getting out the material and repeat things. I was preparing for laundry on the balcony and offered her free lesson while I would wash my clothes. But suddenly she became very strange giggling and using excuses that she has to go now, her husband is waiting on chat for her at an impossible time by showing old text-message on her phone. I knew instantly that it was a lie and felt disappointed. It was the first sign of her foolish attitude. She left and I knew that there would be no possibility for private tuition at my place further more. Only at school as I can not teach her in public.
I don’t know why she mentions bar-girl in relation to the visit at my place. I was at no time offending her in any way. But when she has told her husband then he might have got some concerns and another reason to put down the teacher.
And the last day she wanted to invite me for dinner and I had to tell her again that I need to wash clothes first! So I went to my room alone and she went home.
To all I don’t understand her attitude: She made always compliments to me that I am a good teacher and I did the same to her. Was it all just a lie? How she can do that? Why she didn’t raise concerns during the time? We could have adjusted things. But there was no need to do because in actual fact it was alright. She couldn’t have learned more. It was a very good teaching-experience with her as I didn’t expect so much progress but now she makes it look all bad, as she had learned nothing. But the tests are proof that she got it.
This first trial was so important to me as I wanted to continue business with you and doing legal documents as well.
Now it looks like failed only because the customer tries to get some money back to invest it at another place perhaps.
I understand the customer as they thought 30 hours could be enough but frankly: Everyone knows you can not learn a language within 30 hours only! That’s why they have to blame themselves and not us, as we have done the best and even more.
I hope we can get this straight somehow Wanwisa!?
Actually I wanted to introduce you another project I have developed in the past.
That’s why I would like to meet you private if you can find time.
We then met’atACafe’near-by But She wasStrict AndDEducted my’salAry BEcause’she might have to-pay back’toThe’customer. But it nevEr hapPenEd. Later’ Nui sent’me anOther’mesSage: I pasSed the TESt! Thank you for EveryThing’teachER! ‘sorRy when YOU had’difFIculties Icouldn’t BElieve it.
SubsEquently th’empty time apPearEd. For many’onthsI had no more teachingEnGagements but ImetAwoman‘wit’herIwen’to-travel for’firs’time since 6years. My’friendStev’helpEd me’by givIng’job of his’bos’to me: Teaching basicThai toItaliAn profesSore fromRoma. ThenIwas luckyThat so-me shop-owner in the’streEt was’inTerEsted That Iwould teachGer-man/English(firs’time afterAyear)to her’daughters. ButEven’myContacts at’he’park grew; ther’was’til’no break-through. I Thought Iwaste my time ther’ and soIdeciDed to-leav’and’stay with my fe’male friend inSat’hib.
Her familyMembersDidnt realLy lik’me ther’ be-cause’theyThoughtIwould just us’her asIwasnt working and’had not much’oney’
Al’though this’wasnt th’caseEven she disliked the’situatIon and’wanted me to-work’ but in the comMunal Kind-er/gar-ten wher’herSister was’or-king nor in’hi’schoOl wher’niec’was going’ ther’was no-thing’for me.
One’day’came’phon’call. Iwas sitTing at’he’tabl’ playing’com’put-er andIheard’talking abou’teaching…then sh’gave’phon’to me andIwas tal’king toThat’woman. IanswerEd’questIons and’gav’phon’back to her;cudntBlivThat’hi’wasAjobInquiry.
She wanted me to-go’ther’for’job-inter’view.
Thus we drov’to-get-her by’car toBangKok and the’taxi-driver’brought us to his’ouse wher’th’meEting should tak’place.
When’arRived IsawThat’lady’but’wasnt sure’who she is’
Then my’friend asked her’and sh’repliEd Yes’
We sat down and’starTed to-talk; an-other’teacher came and’got inVolved’
She sad so-me/thing about social comMunity work which put me of’lit’le bit be-cause it sounDed’voluntary’but my’friend asked for’salAry and he repliEd 25but we’agreEd on35then.
We drov’around to-seeSchools and at’he main-schoOl Imet‘asSisTant diRector’ andEven loOked for’roOm to-stay’ นา่อยู่อพาร้ทเมนท้
Ther’was noContract signed yet;just’mutUal agreEment. SoIwasnt’sure’
But my’friend me-ant: Do-you think’heShows youSchoOls, whe’notGivIng you the’job? She was right.
‘second timeIwen’ther’al’one be-cause she neEd’to-work’and it was about my-self any-way.
The’taxi-driver picked me up atBiTec-BangNa and’we drov’to’gaso-line staTion‘to pick up an-other’teacher.
When heEnter’the’car’started questioNing me: What is’your’teachingExperience; what kind of’visa’you’have…ver’nosy. But I answerEdEvery-thing corRectly asI Didnt know who he realLy was.
We had’talk with’new boss at’he’ouse andIshowe’documents but he’toOk’and’loOked at it him-self.
Then I had to-make’teaching-demonstraTion on11-12 years oldStudents from th’vilLage; they came to-loOk’and’toOk’photOs’ bu’then’disapPearEd’
AgainIDidnt sign any-thing yet but’got’teaching-material and’met’other teachers of th’team.
So it loOked like Iwould hav’the’job’
‘cudntBliv*my-self but it wasnt just about me. Later-onIshalLearnThat it was my’friend who openEd the’doOr’for me. With-out THE ad’ onAweb-site for her formIran’ and her’talk’on th’phone plus her apPearAnceIcertainly wudnt have go’it.
Then I moved to Samut Bpragarrn into the Samrong district where was my base. Dtugk Didn’t really like That place but I promised to visit her on the weekends.
Iwas happy to be there and start working as aTeacher for BpraTom LevEl. TeachEr JenNEfer shall Show me the’way to One of the’schoOls and I sat with AcofFEe in’herROom.
BEcause of the floOd I Didn’t neEd to go‘ther’ but instead’joined JENnefEr’s clas’ Thus I could first learn’from her / after’lunch-break I toOk’over and’tried myself.
Then I started at The main-schoOl and I liked it Ther’ The ENvironment looked realLy nice. I introduced myself to The’students in each clas’
The first weekEnds Iwas very Excited about Teaching but Stev’ meant’ it will change
After 3weEks I had to break-up with Dtugk BEcause She was too jealous. IarRived’friDay EveNings / Saturdays Ireserved for my’friends Stev’andKrisz and’sunDay was for her but in the afterNOon I had to get The MIni-bus back to Samrong Al’ready. She Didn’t like That I had so Lit’le time for her and’went’crazy. I had to break out completEly.
Istil’wentSaturdays toPatTAya / firstTo Stev’ andEveNing toKrisz (stay over’night) this was’goOd and I had’money to-spend. Icould Al’ways REcover from the hard working WEek.
But Then the bacterias from the floOd got me down. I had Al’ready adjusted my voice quite wel’ but Then the cough toOk over. One day I had’fevEr and I hardly could teach. But still I was nevEr Aday sick andExcused mySelf just for One hour Helping TeachEr Joe.
Istruggled myself through. The children Al’ways toOk and gaveEnergy’ but in theEnd I lost’
Icouldn’t make it. My Health went steadily downHil’
Towards theEnd of JanuAry ther’was the first stupid complaint AT an English-camp when Iwas falLing’sick Again and it was very stres’ful’
I toOk it mayBe toO Serious. Then in February it continued: The coOrdinator for MEP-clasSes SudDenly complained to The director in’front OF the other agencies That Iplayed the favorite English Songs Of the Students in’clas’
The first 4 months I kept strict To the teaching from the boOk. I had to learn’mySelf first but I realized That it’s very boring for the Students – they Didn’t learn ANYthing but only acted like parRots.
BEcause’ IrealLy cared About Them I planNed to-change my teaching completely and so during the Term-break I devEloped my InterActive KinderGarten-program for them.
Now I wanted To create so-me/thing byMYself  which neEDed alot Of’time.
During the sumMer-break I gotEye-INfection as wel’
Icouldn’t REcover.
At my birthDay SupPat ofFerEd’me a1year ConTract but halfAmonth BEfore The start of the new schoOl-term Iresigned from My duties BEcause I felt That Iwasn’t able to ful’fil’ theConTract. สุภัต ตันมันทอง couldn’t acCept That and pleasEd me To-stay and’try’ Icouldn’t leav’ And’actualLy wanted to-work for her. Thus Icontinued’
But afterAmonth’problems with my new teaching-method ocCured and Iwas forced to switch back to The normal boring style. Iwas So frustRated That I had no more wil’power to-continue. It was realLy sickeNing me all. Icouldn’t sleEp in’nightTime. Ive’got stomach-pain ASwel’ It was just TerRible for me. Ipleased her toTake so-meBody Else now but she Stil’gaveME theChance TOwork at least 2days for her. But Even this Icouldn’t continue longer thanAmonth.
I finally completEly REsigned from the bigGest job-OPportuniTy IveEver’got – thanks SupPat.
One more year was neEDed to REcover myHealth from it al’ I had to-pay Expensiv’for’hospital Treatment BEcause of this’
Even privately I Didn’t want To-teach’anyMore. IcompletEly Lost’interEst’
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