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My time in SamRong / Samut Bpragarn*

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GAY sexual AdDICtion IN THE hidDen tay SOcIETY – Samrong & Evil SPIrits AT the’poOl

Posted on October 17, 2014 by phatheya
I have known Thailand for 13 years. At first Everything looked exciting ‘Amazing Thailand’ but with the years and especially when living permanently one gets to know the dark side of this very secretive society as well. At first it was more like just unbelievable stories from or about others who had experienced very bad things happening to them. Personally I just lost twice 5000 Baht but also due to my own fault of not being careful enough and trusting too much.

But things changed when I left the abyss of Pattaya to live a ‘normal’ life elsewhere. I encountered the medical black magic at least 4 times and with the fatal decision to learn Thai, everything went downhill since. So how can it be? Many questions to answer.
5 years of living in Pattaya was actually a great time. I never regret the decision to go there. I was always very lucky that not many bad things could happen to me like to many others.

Then I met a young woman on the internet and she invited me to stay with her at the family’s house in BangKok. It was a good 4 months experience and only ended because I wasnt willing to invest gold and money in her. Thus she found another guy. It was okay for me but not for them. So they did the first black magic to me. She shaved my beard and cut my fingernails and the mother used the hair for the dark ceremony. I actually could never look into her eyes; it was so deeply dark and frightening but personally she cared for me well – cooking food and made me fat. They gave me a simple short-pant from the market even I didnt need one but they insisted on wearing it and I Did them the favor for the sake of their satisfaction. Actually the aim of that black magic wasnt so bad for me: He shall not have another girl again! Because I wasnt meeting their expectations. They felt like I was just using her. But anyway I was happy with that. When I returned to Pattaya I really couldnt get anyone in my bed even some came to my room. But the good thing was that my attitude changed: I didnt even try. I left it up to the females. So when my friend Steve came back from England he actually couldnt believ’ that I had no sex for 11 months while living in that brothel. I was already satisfied with what I had before and knowing that I could have someone within 30 mins from the beach for 500 shortTime. But when the thought came up: Shall I go and get? Then I got this feeling of dislike: Maybe sick or dirty / dangerous and I simply forgot about it.
But then it shall happen that I met another woman on the net and she came to stay with me for a week and she revealed everything. She asked me to check the gifts of them and finally we got to that short; first I couldnt find anything but then I got it: Look There it is! Inside the pocket a small single hair from the beard. How it came to there? They put it for sure. Remove it! And wash again. Okay the magic seemed to be over and I could really meet some other girls again. I gained back some interest in the females but never like before. But I see it as a positive development thus actually it helped me alot to focus on other things. I learned then how to teach. An 18 years old sexy&slim girl came to my room. Icould teach her just 10 mins then she layed down on the bed: You teach me here – 500 baht only!? No seriously, come back to the chair&table! I want to teach you real. The business you can do with others when you have improved your English-skills. She must have thought Iam gay that I didnt take her offer and left. They really dont want to learn anything but just make money with sex.
Then I moved away from Pattaya and life changed. Still I visited the city for the school every week and could see my friends. One time we went to the Royal Garden and I met a young woman who looked for a job. I offered her 5000 for taking care. She surprisingly agreed AND thus’moved in my room. Soon it was decided that she would become rather my girlfriend but that included rising costs. In just 14 days it amounted to 12000 thus I had to release her. The magic about her was’the’bracelet she gave’me and’my friends. This was bespoken by a monk in a temple for to keep us dependent to her and it worked’pretty well.

I didnt want to remove that bracelet with knots in it even I had another woman already and she asked me for TO REmove it. And as long as I wore it I had longing for her to meet up again until I had enough of her.

That new woman is the next black magician. I also met her on a dating-site and when she came to visit me I realised that she dusnt look same as on the pic which was probably 10 years younger but anyway I took her on and she liked to visit me quite regularly. I was also happy about it. We even went to travel together twice. Then I wanted to change place and I asked her if I could stay with her. She agreed but probably knew already that her family wouldnt like it. It just lasted for another month. But during that time she helped me to find a job and I moved close to Bangkok. Because of her notorious jealousy she went crazy and I had to leave her. But since she opended the door for the job, she then insisted on a commission and not just 10 % but I said: As our relationship is now finished I have no further obligations to you. Then she warned me: I will talk to your boss and make you a very bad reputation which she really Did but my boss had already made up her mind and surprisingly didnt kick me out. Then the black magic comes into play when nothing else works anymore. I’ve got more and more sick and even 2 and half months holiday wasnt enough to recover from it. Thus I had to finally resign from the job. She was then very happy about it. The aftermath lasted for another one year with severe health-difficulties: pain in the head, heart and stomach. The hospital couldnt find anything but high bloodpressure.
But the darkest time was still to come. Already when I lived in Bangkok; my girlfriend warned me about that area: no good; and didnt want to go to the cinema at Imperial shopping-center. After the job was finished I actually wanted to move away but’saw no real alternatives. Returning to Pattaya was a step back and I hoped for another woman to make me an offer elsewhere in Thailand but it didnt happen. Thus I continued to stay. Now I met more people on the road towards the market; most of them appeared quite miserable and just greedy for money: Help me buy! Only some’were kind. Already while teaching I went to the swimmingpool. I bought my one year membership-card for the discount of 350 Baht. It’s unbelievable cheap but I had also two injuries there, due to lack of safety.

It was strange from the beginning. I wanted to check out first but the lady at the counter said NO thus I just looked through the window. Then I asked for the price and she said 50 but when you come Saturday I can give you 1 year for 350 That’s what I was looking for but she had another idea actually. Why she made me that offer? Because she was thinking that Iam just a tourist for 14 days only and she could cash in fast. After I came regularly on Adaily basis for a month and the staff didnt care about me until then; suddenly they contacted me and asked many questions in Thai: Where you stay; what you do?? So I told them That Iam a teacher and stay here long time. They werent pleased about it: When you go back home? I dont know yet; maybe in a year. In A year? Bad answer. But still they kept friendly and I made some friends as well. One of them was also a regular guest and came always towards the end. We then had a little chat and I could practise my Thai.
About a year after the first strange incident happened. Pi Na – the boss as a manager there / came across when I was chatting with a customer family at the’poOl-shower. She then said to me: Go and change your clothes; you dont need to talk to them! I was shocked about this statement. But I went to the table&chair where I kept my belongings. Then I saw her talking to them and suddenly the small boy came by and he said; You are stupid! Then I knew what she was telling them about me. I couldnt believe that she would be so mean and especially not understand, why she did that? After that everything was normal again; we were even sometimes joking and teasing eachother. So I forgot about it.
After 1 and’half years I’ve got more problems with gays who thought to approach me just like that. They might have had in’mind: The foreigner is anyway a sex-tourist and will like it. Some of them came quite aggressively by snapping the nipples of my chest under water. I told them to fuck off and asked the staff for help but they didnt get involved. Then another ladyboy became a regular; actually he wasnt really, as he didnt change his gender. He looked like disabled ตุ๊ด Dtud* and fat. He always came along with children – mostly little boys. I already started teach swimming on request and then he came close to look, how I do it. Later-on he copied it but the bad way. Meanwhile he started chatting with me and came CLOSER & closer. He jumped on me or dived under. I told him to stop this and when he didnt listen I had to scream at him; then he stopped. I then felt so pissed off  that I didnt want to talk to him again. I told my friend, the 56 years old man – called Ya. He then replied: Maybe he dusnt know that you dont like fat men. Then I was thinking over his words and realised that he actually believes that Iam gay. His ExpecTatIon was clearly revealed to me. And then his strange actions were explained as well: One time, one of the young staff came to me and said: I know why you like to teach swimming; because then you can touch the women’s breast. How crazy was that? But he just went off and I couldnt reply anything to him. I told Ya and he said: Thats not good but never mind. But I mind it! Thats actually dangerous and could end in a criminal offense. I dont want that to happen. I’ve heard some stories before and dont want to be ripped-of’ by’police then. Please can you be my witness and check next time when Iam teaching a girl again!? I did this always on request and it was just once a week. Then I was teaching and suddenly I saw him diving under the girl and looking. I didnt really expect it that way but when he came up I asked him: Is That okay? Yes okay. So I was feeling better now and believed to have a witness for’next time when somebody makes bad comments. But in the End HE shall be the one who started the mess. First YA came out of the pool and I asked him again: Did I teach correct today? He said: Yes but’canNot do like That … his hand went right between my legs. I was shocked but didnt say anything. He showed so little respect and just took the opportunity.
Then the Dtud (fat ladyBOY) came up again with an offense and I told Ya about it That I dont want to have Contact To That jerk Again but when I left with Him then THE Dtud acCosted Ya (knowing That I would proBably not respond anyway) but Ya responDed by staying for A chat. I just walked on; still turned around one more time but he Didnt come and I just left’alone. Next Time Ya complained and meant: Why You Didnt wait for me last Time? We wanted to go TOgetHer! But I said: because you neEDed toTalk with That jerk and I cant stand him anymore.
My atTitude towards Ya changed then a’bit BEcause I knew then That he has Some gay-interest and I wanted to minimize OPportunities to ful’fill his Secret wishES I deciDed not To Contact him first but Al’ways only respond. He realzed the sudDen change pretTy fast and began to-wonder. Before when he came-in I greEted him from the’poOl to The Entrance Al’ready; often he Didnt respond and I thought, he wasnt able to-seE me but actualLy he saw’ and just his foOlish gay-pride made him react like That. He Enjoyed my atTention. When YA came Close Only then he responDed and while Entering the’poOl I Al’ready starTed toTalk to him: You know What hapPenEd to me? Thus we had Al’ways A Lit’le chat And then EveryOne Did his own swim’program.
But Then it hapPenEd That’first he loOked at me very strange through His GOgGles withOut any MImical reaction when I nodDed with my head for’greEting. And when’leaving The’poOl towards The lockerROom Isaw him coming andThought: Ishould Say A Lit’le soMe-thing To him; You finIshed (chanGing your’clothes) so fast!? But he Surprisingly responDed: Yes and I know That you are touching the womens breast. I was TotalLy shocked about This crazy staTEment AndThought I Didnt hear wel’ Further I Thought: Dont Turn around Now; let him be And Dont respond to it! But Then HE continued and’went To the’counter for lending acCesSories and’toldThat’woman: I know. I saw. iSAW! I justThought: He is’completELY mad now and’left To-change my’clothes. Iwas Angry about This freaky behaviour and’couldnt underStand it at Al’ Then I left’but’saw him laying&waiting for me on the plastic beachChair like Al’ways BEfore but This time I just pasSed’by (getTing dark Al’ready) and Even he said: SAM sam! I Didnt respond’ and’walked on.
At’home Iwas thinkING about it and’came toThe CONclusion That it must be’jealousy. HE must have REalized’then That now The’game was over and surely he wudnt be able to-score anyMore – ther’was’no’hope for him. Since then Every-thing BEcame worse And Imet The THAIS at Their darkest Emotions. He then showed HIS black magical CharActer and Did things To me Icould not have Imagined BEfore. It was then like A psycho-TerRor. I learnEd: Dont mes’with’psycho-or’socio-paths or Else they wil’make your life A livIng hel’ How can they do’ THEY use’otherPeopl’ Against you and YOU Dont know how’
INstantly ImadeAplan to counter his posSible jealousy-ATtacks. He wouldnt like’to-seE me with’others EspeciallLy withFEmales. Thus I told’mySelf: as long AS he isnt Ther’yet Ican haveConTact’but when HE comes I just do my swimMING. NormalLy Ishould just ignore him andDo what I WANT but I guesSED right That it wouldnt WORK for’long’ That’s why I deciDed for thes’measurES To-resTrict mySelf in’order to EventualLy prevent any crazy Action Caused by’jealousy in which HE wouldnt be able TOcontrol him-self. It should have worked out Al’ready but his plan was’difFerEnt: He wanted me to-leav’ his terRitory!
Ishal’seE How he more&MORE APpearEd like Aboß and’teamEd-up withTHEstaf’ And EspecialLy with That cashier-manAger Pi Na. HE knew very wel’ how to-influEnce them To His AdvantAge. This’part was realLy magicAl’ al’my counter-measurES failed. It was goOd To-re’act care-fulLy but IsoOn realizEd: It’s ImposSible TOwin That’race. They-are much strongER / soOn-er or later Iwil’have to-leav’ That’scenE BEfore ITis toO-late BEcause it would BEcome very Serious!

AT first Istil’hadA very nice woman-friend AND Iwarned Mu and her’friend About him Al’ready. They BElievEd me and when HE starTed his’game; she’underSTOod’ YA came toThe’poOl and’shouted About This’farAng (ther’was just me) She signalized’to me by moving her HEad. ImeAnt Dont pay ATtenTiON to him ‘is’betTER He couldnt Directly sucCEed At ThatMoment but he’won BEcause she nevEr came back.
THEN ther’was An-other Nice Thai-MAN who trained quite reguLarly. Ya then ConTacted Him for the Purpose Of telLing him bad STOries About me. Al’though HE seEmed not realLy beliEvIng IT: he al’so disAPpearED After a’while. HEwasStil’friendlyWith me whenEver WEmet in’town and soME-times he drove me toImperial And’wentToGetHER TO the’cinema but HE prefERred to-betTer GO to an-OTHER poOl. Icould hav’done th’same ActualLy but Istil’had someMONTHS on my MembEr-ship/card left And THEother’poOl would have cost’me 50 Baht Aday. Thus IcontinuedTOstay…
ThenHE Did this’withEvery‘customER ‘first with THOSE Who I HadConTact TO but Then al’so Every Suspect as’prevENtion. And he Al’ways SucCeEDed With His’method. Icouldnt BElievE What I saw. After HE Told’them His’dirty STORIes about ME they Al’sudDenly kept’disTance to’me. Ther’was No-thing Icould DO about IT – just learn To-acCeptTheir’stupidITY I tried not TOshow my disLIKE andConcenTratEd more ON THE swimMING-program. Stil’ Peopl’ APproachEd me and I had soMe nice ExperiEnces as wel’
But as THIS wasnt Enough ToOust me, ther’wasSoME Other TreatMENT neEDed: Pi Na – the so calLed manAger AT the’poOl’got more&MORE InVolved. First I Thought, she Isnt Serious and her InTentions wer’stil’of’goOd Wil’ Al’ways When I hadAgirl’ she then came’ And al’so Said soMe-thing bad About me and to ME she asked, just TO do my swimMING and Not’get in’touch with’local Customers. Only Against other forEigners THEY Didnt get InVolved – due to THE lack Of English-SkilLs. At first I Thought: She just wants To-warn me About soMe abusive women (take’money) and’found it’goOd’ but Iwas Wrong. Any customer but EspecialLy FEmales Shal’not get in’touch with me THUS she StarTed to-warn Them About The Only 1 forEigner Al’ready At The Entrance-countER and Icould seE AsudDen change of’behavior by the’customer TOwards me: They loOked at me likeAcrimInal’ The’aim was to-makeME feEl so bad&uncomfort-able That Iwouldnt like TOcome back AnyMore but This tacTIC nevEr worksWith me / the OPposite wil’be The case – with’fatAl ConSequencEs. Icontinued TOcome EveryDAY from 4-6 and only YA Did’same. They nevEr like It when EspecialLy THE foreign Guest USes The’ofFers Extensively. Even’one has Actually The’right To-use’what HE bought but Ther’is al’so the AnimalIstic right Of The strongER to-keEp INmind’ One time’guest Shared THEIR foOd with me And when seEing this, she Started shoulting at me: YOU shal’not Ask thePeopl’forFOod – to make ME loOk LikeAbegGar. Istraight replied’ Iwasnt Asking them; they ofFerEd’me’ But Then the kind heArtEd Thais loOked Down Ashamed Al’ready And soMe-how it APpearEd Like Iwas blaming them Abit with my’answer to her. She moved On but Then’turned around AND adDed: If you do thisAgain’ Iwil’not LET you IN anyMore! This wasnt Ajoke; she meAnt it Seriously. She played DEliberately Abad game with me. They al’wer’toGetHER Against me. Even the’staf’ Didnt Talk with me AnyMore and ONE time Even’threw THE chlorine-salt in’my direction. I told’him with AwarNing finger: NevEr do thisAgain! He’got The’mesSage but Then Isaw Him traINing withA baseBAL bat IN the lockerROom – very’strange’

Ther’wer’just Afew customers left who stil’triedTObe’friendly with me butThey wer’on both Sides. One of them was An Ex director Of aSchoOl Who knew ME fromMy’work. HE mentionEd That The Staf’is’very Impolite with me. I know’ but nevEr mind; it’s up To them. Another goOd heArtEd man Al’ways Liked toTalk with me but I hardly UnderstoOd His Thai As He used’words I Didnt’know / religious and’political Terms. And anOther’ who al’so came quite often And’was very Lonely.
Provocations ON aDaily BaSis wer’just normal Then. I falsely DEcideD to-counter Their’actions IN A similar way then – justTOshow’ HOWit’feEls. When Isaw Him speaking bad About me (heAl’ways Did this with Aloud voice soThat EveryOne could hear’ And al’so me) then I REturned it by pointING at him whenEver Aguest who I hadConTact with and’whoWasStil’friendly with me. Iwas Stil’ Able to-influEnce’ but not for’long’ Ther’wer’three women coming for Acourse and they wer’very naughty’ It wasnt hard To gues’ their’hobBies but IT was’fun’withTHEM YA Didnt like That but’stil Did not manAge yet To-INfluEnce them. Iwas’first: When HE came And ONE of them loOked at ME I then pointed AT him and’said: Bad MAN! And Even or EspecialLy BEcause the’words WERvery simple She understoOd’rightAway. Then it was His turn when HE went To the’shower, he tried TO-APproach Her but when HE starTed’toTalk’ she’loOkedAway and’he’down’ Waow’great! I Thought but He Didnt seE That Iwas pointING At Him BEfore. Now he Was So focused On his project TO be’sucCESful’ That AnOther day HE finalLy manAged toConTact Them by choOsing anOther of thes’women WHO then wasWilLING To-talk withHim And then HEcould make hisStories Again And The OutCome was THEsame’ Ofcourse. Thes’women then showed veryLit’le respect to’me, as one can Expect from’prostiTutes. IcompletEly kept distance TO them / anOther victory TO him.
It was AbsoluteLy imposSIBle TOscore any winNing-point Against Thes’ Idiots. They Hav’ Al’th’same’brain. Ionce read: The’soul is’in’theHEad’ YesBEcause’ther’is’noThingElse. The last Example ofINtrusion showed’very clearLy As a final prove That my TACtics would nevEr WORK and That Ther’is’no’way to-win’ Awoman came with Her Two daughters; she tried To-swim, while the’daughters wer’playing Around. Then Isaw him ConTacting Her And for the first Time (to mySurprise) HE starTed toTeach swimMing‘sameAS I Did’ BEfore. NormalLy he wasShy’toDO it as I ofFered’him BEfore: You can Al’so tryTeaching AS YOUareAgoOd swimMer as wel’ but instead he was Even so kind And’organised the’girls for me, whichWasStil’my’weaknes’ toAPproach Them. They often Had TOask me’first: Can you teach Us SwimMING?! But he THEN used THE OPporTunity TO loOk from’behind under’water, which I found NOT very decEnt. Thus He Didnt Do IT just for me but EspecialLy for himSelf To-watch me or the’girls – EspecialLy Since Iwas Al’ways teaching’breastStroke first while anOther customer-teachEr, whoDid It ALways’wel’ And Icould al’so learn soMe-thing from Him; used toTeach Only’freEstyle. But now back TO Ya; holding The’daughter of THE new Woman. Icouldnt seE any-thing AbNormal from 20 meters Away but’strange was That The 11 years old girl Al’ways turned’half-wayAround While HEwas holding Her’body under HER belLy – AT least This IS How I used toDO it but not withOut’permisSIon Of The’student, which Ial’so had to-learn’first when Iwasnt Asking a’pretTy nurse And she turned around AND Didnt like TOcontinue Then. But he Didnt ask THEgirl nor the’mother. HE justToOk her, putTing both Of His hands under HER tiny body while’talking TO That’mother. It loOked more like’hypnoSis-technic HEwas using for the UnSuspecting mother TOgain herTrust To’use theChild. I felt’ther’was SoMe-thing WRONG due To her REaction; loOking at what He WAS doing with His hands under’cover, instead of just folLOWing the INstrucTions Of theTEacher. But he couldnt DO it for’long’ BEcause then THEgirl was braveEnough to-ask The’mothers permisSIon TOleav’ the’poOl for TOseE herSistER / goOd idea toEvade’ He stil’kept onTalking to That’woman AND I Thought: She is’al’so lost. IdontNEed TO ConTact her’ And Now he might Even start Anew round OF ofFensiv’ IactualLy nevEr Thought He couldDO That AS Isaw him BEfore AS aCorRect man, who Obeys the’rules. But now he seEmed TOslipAway andDidnt care’anyMore. And he realLy Didnt NEed To; he was likeAcustomer-king’then – likeAbos’ So he could DO anyThing‘he wanted’ GayKing
HE nevEr tried TOcome Close to’me Even he might have wished’ but HE had to-fear my physical reAction as Iwarned’others Al’ready! But Then Ive’ got anOther’idea whichWas REverse to what I Thought BEfore. Just anOther move in THE ches’game: From now ON I wil’not stayAway Of The brain-washEd AnyMore. Iwil’apProach them whenEver theySignalise their INTERest’ The AdvantAge of THE forEigner is’namely That HE isStil’inTerEstING TOsoMe’ That’s why Stil’ Peopl’ ConTacted me due to Their curiosity. This was’goOd for me but The Adversary nevEr liked it – They HatEd IT so much!
Thus when this’woman smiled AT me Again while standing near’me, then I starTed talking To her. She wasSurprised That Icould speak Thai And we had‘lengthy conversation. When HE came AND saw it…you can ImAgine what HE must have Thought. IT wasAnew move fromMy side. I ofFerEd’her AfreE swim’lesSon with THEaim to-showHer The right way. First I Taught Her and BEcause’she was Al’ready quite stable I didnt NEed To-give‘supPort / only INstructions. He saw it but Didnt get InVolved. Then the’curious daughters came’ And the’mother asked meTO teach’them as wel’ NormalLy Iwould Al’so give’physical supPort during’insecurity (afraid of drowNing) but This’time I Did’sameAS BEfore with’couples. I asked HER to-give’supPort forHERdaughter. And this was’right. HE must have wonderEd About my new straTEGY Thus I learnEd’ if soMeOne does SOme-thing Not’right / just Show’ HOW toDO itCorRect! Now they cameEveryDAY as the’woman Was working IN THEmal’ She was just waitIng for her Lovely daughters TOcome After’schoOl and then Iwas teaching THEM I felt great doing It That way; al’so now realizing That IT loOks much betTer / noBODY can have AsecondThought’ After aWhile THEY could swim’al’one And I Did my own program Again. This was theMoment when HE jumped in’ AND starTed toTel’ his’dirty Stories Again. But as I had’goOd conversations with Her About PutTa InevEr Thought That He could win her overAgain but The devil knows many ways toTake’over’ His’trick was’cover-up. HE ActualLy loOked’decEnt AND if’not, it wasnt visIble. I nevEr minDed when SHE was Talking with HIM but slowLy Isaw her change AND the cute daughter Al’so loOked’strange AT me. Ther’wasNOreason At al’ Thus Iwas’confused. Then SHE came up to ME (one lastTime) And’asked: Are ther’soME Peopl’heRE who dont realLy like you? Yes Sure, as I told’youBEfore’ but I nevEr said TO her who it Was. But now She knew’ Since then she Didnt Talk to meAgain And when I loOked at HER with’questionING faciAl’ ExpresSion, then she Only LoOked Away orEven said SOme-thing’to him. Iwas very disAPpointED then. But Even worse. HE fosterEd hisContact’ and’toOk The’girl for’lesSons Again. She could swim’ Al’ready AND Didnt NEed’help ANYmore but HE acted like That HE could teach Her soME-thing New That I Didnt’ How she can Trust HERdaughter’ ToAman who Makes Up such dirty Stories about AnOther andDoesnt loOk after what HE Is doing with Her now I thought? The’mother Did HER own swimMING up&down contiNuOUSly and Even’sheStopPed forAbreak She Didnt loOk after Her child. MeanWhile HE had the’beautiful girl Al’ways In his Hands AND under his’control. This’time I Didnt seE her Evading him but obeying his comMands. Ican only gues’ That HE soMEhow INfluEnced the’mother TO tel’her’daughter How TO beHAVE Strange was when the pretTy girl Didnt realLy Do The right Technique but HE wasnt’interEsted To-instruct her’toDO it RIGHT then so-meTIM-ES HER bum came Up&down while His hands wer’under’ her’belLy or she’moved both Of HER legs under’water forward to her’belLy which Isnt Aswim’technic’ atAl’ One cant realLy seE And tel’fromBeSidEs Or’above what HE is doIng under And Icouldnt seE any Negativ’reaction Of the’girl Either – she al’so Had herGogGles On and he As wel’ Even he Didnt swim’but’walkedWithHer Through the’water. The’poOl hasA depth of 130-150 cm Only. Icouldnt Care About IT furtherMoRE As THEmother wasnt open for me AnyMore and he’gained’ful’control Over the scenE I tried TO conCenTrate TO mySelf And when Icould teach soME-One Else Ijust Did IT the best way TO show EveryOne the’difFerEnce but NObody cared’ It was realLy disturbing to-seE him with That’girl EveryDAY same’ but I neEded TO focus On SoMe-thing Else instead.
Stil’worse Than Him Was ANother Man I mentionEd BeFor’ Al’ready. ActualLy he doesnt SEe HimSelf As’male but he is’ pretTy much. He loOks Like A ChinesE Idiot and One might want To pity Him for his disability but he is ActualLy very smart And DecEiving. He’told’me That HE works forAschoOl as An art-TeAchER – specializEd for the Thai tradiTIonal Dance Most Of The’time HE came Along withLit’le’kids from’schoOl And he atTenDed Al’so quite Often. Idont know HOW he can get The boys toCOme with Him, as normalLy the TeachEr shal’not ConNect with THE Students but when you-areNOT Areal TeachER…one can findAway Around and he obviously Did’ mayBe HE Convinced the’parents: Iwil’take care’your’child andEven pay for the Ticket. But for this’ The’boys Had to-pleas’him. Isaw So many’coming&GOING – it weRE Al’ways new faces. If Iwould stil’haveHADmyVideo’ then Ishould Have taken One of his unbeliEvable Actions Iam NOW Going to-describe’heRE

AT first IwasStil’unSuspecting AND I beliEve That HE Didnt Act like That AT the beginNing. He just found’out withTHE time, what Al’he can do heRE At The’poOl BEcause of NObody realLy cared. But They should Have’ due to his’actions which IseE AS crimInal. That’s reALly soMe-thing for THE police but how Would BE The prosecution THEN? Only BEcause he Al’so went ON me Iwas’moreAware’and’watching Him care-fulLy. When THE Dtud* Didnt come’withHis’boys Then HE was Searching for them inTHEpoOl EspecialLy for those, who couldnt swim’wel’ When HE found Aprey then HE starTed DivIng under likeCrocOdile or’shark. He’first watched THE Lit’le boys moving under’water;cameClose TO them soThat They would pay’atTention TO him. Only SoME-TimEs they DEcideD To-betTER swimAway’ or GetTing Out of The’poOl BEcause they’realized That His’behavior Isnt Normal. But most Of The’kids like’to-play And’acCept him As Aplay-mate BEcause’no parents’ Or The’parents wer’sitTING Away And Didnt care’ Then HE toOk’over by Teaching them How TOswim’ copying My’methods withLit’le adjustments To his ADvantAge. The boys INstantly’felt soMe-thing rubBing At Their Lit’le dig while HE kept on INstrucTing them. When They wanted ToEscape, they Either couldnt BEcause’unable to-swim’ Or he’warnEd them of soMe ConsequencES Listen To ME andDO what THE teachEr Tells you Or Else Iwil’complain To’your’parents About your bad Behavior! This Al’ways works AS they know it from’schoOl andAt’home. So they’hadTO-Endure the whole procedure. Isaw their bums Going up&down like THEY want To-learn dolphin. HE ActualLy couldnt realLy swim’himSelf! Then Isaw Aboy turNing’around And’laying IN his’arms. The Dtud* loOked over THE whole body and Isaw the boys Erection. The ages wer’betWEen 3-13 years’ Now Iwatched The staffs reaction: HE was haNGing with Aboy On THE poOl-side. HE kept him laying Tight on His fat body And’starTed To-kis’ his Neck – right INfront’ OF The life-guards. Icouldnt BElievThat’ They wore Sun-glasSes andDidnt SEe Any-thing. But The youngster who Once’told’me BEfore: you like toTOUCH the’girls…was then loOking AT the other’ whoDidnt show any reAction Even’ he said SOme-thing To HIM Then HE just loOked forward Again As ther’would be NoThing’ IconClude: When the’reaction is like That, then EveryThing Is AlLowed – at least for him. Was it only BEcause’he isThai’ Or mayBe HE Didnt play so much with’girls? But Even’girls wer’his victims but They wer’al”under 10 thus UnDevEloped like’boys. Isaw him doing withAthree years old, who starTed to-cry And’wentTo his’mother – standing with The’fatHer close TO the action’ They Didnt seE any-thing but Isaw Every-thing from’out’side. The’mother asked THE boy to-stop crying and being NICE TO the’teachEr but The’boy Didnt want ToGO back’ther’ HE went out’and TO the childrensPOol. The stupid parents Then ApPolOgized shyLY to The bad teachEr. It’s So unbeliEvable! Iwanted To-inForm them but I left IT after seEing their’REAction. AnOther Time ther’was’oneMOREcute boy andSister his next victims. I knew this’family From BEfore And could teach The Eldest daughter very nicely. SoWEwer’toGetHER in’the’poOl and BEcause Iwas busy with Her and THE very handSOme fatHer swam A few lanes by himSelf. The Dudt* then ToOk the’opPORTunity while NObody paid ATtenTIon. He toOk The boy&girl just likeThat under his arms but with THE hands under the centEr-parts Again. Isaw it’first And’wanted To-cal’ The’fatHER but he wasStil’swimMINg freE-style. Iwas With HER At The other shortER side and he’withTHEM at The slider. The boy Did Al’ready soMe strange noiSes while the 8year old girl was quiet. But Then the’fatHer saw it As wel’and he went straight To’theDudt* And’toOk His childs of’him withOut saying anyThing. The Dtud*just acCeptEd And’wentAway. But so many Times It wasnt like this And THEparents’ Even Encouraged The’child to-acCept The AbNormal things. Ther’was AnOther Chines’woman Imet’beFor’ She works asAteachEr’ She Had three kids with Her’husband and the Dtud could try Them al’ many Times. He al’so made friends with THEparents. One time Isaw her At The’bridge and’asked’to-be more care-ful’withHim but she loOked at me with disbeLIEF thus it was realLy useLES Even with Non-Thais. I beliEve now That it’s IN The ChinEse bloOd. MayBe they Think, it’sNormal’

But Two more things Made EveryThing’clear About him. One time when Iwas leaving HE calLed ME over’andAskedTo-translate A Text for him. It was AmesSage on his Ipad AND Awoman Wrote’him: The 27 boys are betWEen 8-11 and’sized 95-130cm. It could meAN anyThing Of-couse but due TO his behavior It was very clear TOme. He al’so Didnt want me to-read’further-more; while closing theTab Isaw the deskTop-pic’ HIM with Two Other INfluential guys who loOked quite dangerous. Then I knew, HE is’part of The organized crime And they-are THE MafiA-bosSes. But Even This Pi Na SEems to-be InVolved inThat As Isaw Her Al’so Standing’withHim and he’showedHERmesSages; when IcameAlong, sheAl’ready told me TOpis’ofF Even BEfore Icould seE any-thing. I Didnt NEed to-seE more. Ijust wished Icould rePort The whole Gang toThe police-headQuartER in BangKok. But AfemaleFriend on The INternET warned me Of doing ANY action’ This Has Along history and they would just kil’you!
But THEworst Thing ISstil’toCOme: Iwent To PatTAya for’visaExTentIon On myWAY back toTHE bus’ Isaw him: What Are you doing heRE? I loOk for’hotel’ can you help me’ I showed’himAcheap Place And witnesSED The folLOWing when HE requested the’staf’ther’ The’woman Asked him: How many Peopl’ And he said 4 I wonderEd Four? He said: Me Agirl and two Other boys. She asked’then: How Old are they? 8-10 But Then HE sudDenly Didnt Like’to-stay Ther’anyMore and’went of’ IwasAngryWith mySelf’ BEcause I helpEd this pedErast To-fuck the’children THER

Ther’wer’al’so theCambodiAn begGar-girls fromOut’side Imperial coming toThe’poOl so-meTIM-ES WE made’friends quickly AND Ioften played withThem; teaching’was quite ImPosSible but They liked to-dive. YA watched us with’dark Thoughts. But one Time the’girl who Was just 10 but’loOked more Like 5 came’to me And’said’ The’man over-ther’ touched my bum! I loOked over’and’saw theDtud*and The secrEtive gay. WhoYOU meAn? She said: No the Old man’ther’ Ya was 57 Then HE loOked at me And’smiled’dirty with His dark Gog’les ON Iwanted To-punch His’face but The’girl asked me TOstop’ NOno dont DO it! I lied; he Didnt Do ANYthing’ I know That He Did I know this’guy very wel’ but she wanted me Not To-make Any trouble. Don’t be Afraid! HE continued swimMING and Icame down aLit’le bit: Are-you sure, he touched you deliberately? Yes Iwas StanDing ther’ and he came’freEstyle but’stretchEd His Arm SideWards And’pinchedMEdirectly under the butTock. Now I Knew That HE was AperVERT as wel’ The’girl’asked ME Again Not TO do any-thing’ AND I promised her’ but stil’ I told One of The’decEnt staf’ but She was just laughing About it – SO stupid THEY are.
Ya Al’so tried anOther technique To-get ME out. He organized’women WHO asked ME toTeach them but I OfTen gotAstrange FEeling About IT then and’wasAl’ways right when Isaw him coming And talking To’them Even’ I nevEr saw thy BEfore nor After’ I Even recognisEd his niEce who had A simIlar face And his Son who has AIDS BEcause HE isAgay-prosTituTe Ther’ Iwas very lucky – thanks’god! He could hav’set-up SOmeThing with’police InVolved…It hapPened ToOthers BEfore!

But it’s not yet TheEnd beCAUSE IwasStil’ther’ HOW To-get This’guy Out? They couldnt Drive ME Away Even’other Thais’left Al’ready BEcause Of the bad smel’ And it drove Them crazy EspecialLy Pi Na who’hated me so Much’
One last Time She tried To-get myConTacts Away from Me. She sucCEedDed but‘nevEr Did IT Again After’ It was Alesbian couple AND she came’ telLingThem’notTOplay with me and’wantedTo-tel’me’ but I Didnt let her speak’anyMore; Fuck ofF, you fucking piece of shit! She turned around As She came quickly. And IscreamEd That EveryOne could hear it: You nevEr doThat Again To me – you fucking cunt! I OfCourse shouldnt have used THEse’words but I realLy felt Like That.

Now We COme toThe final chapter: They knew That I like’girls only AndNow’prefERed to-have’safeConTact withFEmales betTER Then sudDenly 3 men came up. InevEr saw them BEfore. The swimMING-trunks showed clearly That They ARE Gay. The’bos’wasStrong&tal’ And the other Two’ wer’MuayThai-fighters. They al’so showed their Skills while Warming-up. AT first They Didnt pay much AtTention TOme but Then they starTed obServing’ They Didnt try TOcome Closer’ This was the Time when I starTed to practise mySkills As wel’ Iwanted TOshow them That it wouldnt be AgoOd Idea To-ATtack me As Iwould certainly fight’back -ready to-kil’ My mother pleasEd ME not TOdo Amistake Ther’ And I knew Iwouldnt have A Chance ANYway. Even one would hav’beEN enough Al’ready. But I confused ThemAbit and They Had to-beliEve That Iam Much strongEr as They Thought. So THEYbuilt’up. MORE&more’came / in theEnd I REcalLed Nine guys. And Pi Na let Them In’forFreE toDO Their duty. I hearEd The-staf’saying: under the showER / goOd’they warned me. At That Time EveryOne Else StepPed Aside. YA was quiet and The life-guards Even BEcame More friendly And the Youngest EVEN told’me That Pi Na doesnt like ME but HE would be ActualLy Okay with me. I told’him: Just do your’job But be care-ful’ about dirty orders from her!! She calLed them so-meTIM-ES toDO so-meThing about ME Then they stoOd-up from their’chair Going INto my’direction. Iwas Even WaitING for them but when she went back To the cashier-box behindDOors’ they just Turned around AND relaxEd. They wer’not interEsted TOdo the Dirty work for her’ But The Gay-Gang hadAreason. My mother said: BEcare-ful’ That They dont HURT you Under the’showER! But This WAS not Ajoke’ so-meTIM-ES Icouldnt Change my’clothes ther’ And went instead out TO the Toilets Of the shopPing-mal’below The Gay-bos’then starTed to-joke About This’forEigner and they Had This terRible Laughter. Iwouldnt know What TO laugh About This’bul’shit but Pi Na’toldThemEnough INside-storiES It was Then realLy hard to stil’go’ther’and’conCenTrate To the swimMING only. The whole situaTIon was over-stretched Al’ready And Iwas’tired of al’thisSHIT but’stil’couldnt Leav’ My mother said: Until They realLY do SOme-thing with you!? I had To-stand’my’position til’the bitTer End but was it realLy worth it!? They shal’make the final decision quite Easy for me. As Iwould recognise them but’had noOther inFormAtIon about Thy; it was Stil’very unlikely That They would ATtack me ther’ but out’side’ Thus they starTed to folLOW me:firstToBigC then To the’market. IneEDed to-change My timIng BEfore it’sTo-late. BEcause soOn after when Iwas givIng’bones toThe’dogs inAdarkArea ther’wasAmotORcyclist Al’ready waiting for me. He had the’machine on AND talked ON the’phone: HE is’ther’now;feEding the’dogs. When I heard this Iwent straight up; left The’dogs behind And walked out Of this’place. The’biker with’darkHelmET droveAway As wel’ IcrosSed The streET but Then AnOther taxi-car stopPed On the side The’driver left The’doOr open and’stoOd opPOsite – talking on THE phone as wel’ Both wer’talking with each-other I gues’ Iwent fast’home Through’anOther dark Area but NoThing more HapPenEd. What They Did was Checking out my Al’ready Wel’known daily routine INpraxis And then soOn after’ STRIKE The MESsage was very clear and’next day IwentTo the’poOl’noON-time and’left’afterNOon Al’ready. The’sun wasShiNing soHOT And I burned MyNose SevEral times but I was saved. After one weEk The GAY-Gang stil’tried TOcome earliER AS she calLed them but Igues’ They al’so HAD aLife And’jobs TOdo and’couldntComeBEfore 1-4 pm THIS was’goOd SO I Even showed MY Stinky-finger TO one Of them When I left’and HE was Staring AT me’ When ther’was only ONE he wasnt Able ToDO ANything’ NoThing atAl’ Al’one They-are so-weak. I finalLy had AgoOd time Ther’ BEfore Icould Escape Out of StalinGrad Again.
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